A trip to Biloela

A trip to Biloela

Our Queensland consultant Penny shares her insights and experiences from a recent trip to central Queensland:

“If you were to ask me if seeing the statues in Rockhampton were the highlight of my recent trip to Central Queensland, I’d have to say “Bull!”. 


The standout was the Community Resource Centre in Biloela.


I have never before seen a library with so many resources and facilities specifically designed and curated for people who have an identified physical, psychological, intellectual or social need and for the professionals and organisations that assist them.  Over 9000 resources have been catalogued so that families and therapists and professionals can target skills and themes.


The friendly staff gave me a tour of the Centre, and I am keen to return later in the year for an AAC Awareness day where families can see some of the Speech Generating Devices that can be trialled through Liberator.  Attendees will have an opportunity to use SGD’s to communicate whilst engaging in play-based activities.


“It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.” -Leo F. Buscaglia


To find out more about the Community Resource Centre, please visit the link below.”


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